Gallery excluder

Pubblicato su XDA ed entrato nel Market nelle scorse ore, Gallery Excluder è un programma semplicissimo ma per molti utenti estremamente . T-Mobile LG G2xpostmag 2011Altri risultati in forum. Keep Those Pesky Data Folders Out of the Gallery with Gallery. Ed ecco che l'utente di XDA, knox42 ha creato un programma davvero interessante, riguardo questo problema: Gallery Excluder.

Exclude certain folders from the Gallery App. Published on mayo, 20at 4× 8(Full Size Image) in Excluye carpetas de datos de la galería de imágenes de Android.

To solve that a user from XDA Forums named knox4has developed an app called Gallery Excluder. And like the name suggests, it does the . Gallery Excluder is a fairly simple app that lets you remove all of those folders from your gallery app that you do not want to see. XDA user, knox42 has created a nifty app called Gallery Excluder. I think everyone has the problem with their gallery in that unwanted images . If you often download pictures or have certain applications that store images you may notice that some of these images show . Android stock gallery is no doubt neat and out of ordinary. It gives us the required experience similar that of Cooliris.

Secon on carefullyselecting folders to exclude possible trivial thumbs, I find my Gallery proper pixs folders got combined into one large folder.

Now works on Android Ice Cream Sandwich. Скачать программу Gallery Excluder: Скачать galleryexcluder. Many apps create folders on the sd-card and drop their stuff there. Now that Android checks the sd-card for . Gallery Excluder is a dedicated Android application which removes the folders that you want to exclude its showing in the default Android stock . Re-index the Gallery App at will .

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